
Friday, 29 November 2013

Story Starters

Ambury Farm

Term 4 have been learning about farming, we went on a trip to Ambury Farm to learn even more. We had to make sure that we had a healthy lunch and a bottle of water. The day was going to be hot so we had to take our hats too. The buses were waiting to take us to Ambury Farm. We jumped on the bus and sat quietly because the driver was grumpy and didn’t want us to make a noise. Finally we arrived at Ambury Farm. Our instructor told us about farming and she said we have to go on two groups and we went to look at farm animal. First we went to look at the sheep. There was a lady name Janine and we all line up and saw the sheep wool. Janine she showed us some wool and we get to hold the wool and feel it. After that we have to look at the cow. We can touch the cow but we are not allowed to touch the cows head. The cows name is Mrs T She was so big and we saw the some cows and all of them got different colour.

Rocking Horse

Friday, 15 November 2013


It was Athletics and i was so excited. We had to wear are house colours. I was in blue and that was called Tainui. We had split into girls and boys. I was with the year 5 boys.

First we did high jump and it was a little bit hard.
I tried to jump and then I made it so I was in the
final. The bar went a little bit higher. I went again and I was scared so I ran and jumped on one leg and I made it.

I really enjoy high jump.

Manaiakalani film festival

After morning tea we went to manaiakalani film festival. First we went on the bus and miss lavakula said lets play
a game and was called boys vs girls and singing a song.
After we made it there we went out of the bus and line up
and we have to find a Buddy and my Buddy was ben.

It was cool when we went inside sylvia park. We went
inside the hoyst and there was a big scream and we
sat at  the back of the chier. When we were ready.
it was really cool and When we was watching the
film one of the film is really cool. when it was
finish we line up and went back to school And my
movie I like is Room 13.

White Sunday

Wednesday, 6 November 2013


this is my pitcher of a calf a calf is a little baby cow

Friday, 1 November 2013


It was Halloween on Thursday. I went Halloween with
my Mum and sister and my brother but we went at
howick and there was lots of Halloween candy but
I was dress like a skeleton and a hoody on. I was
the scary one.It was cool in Halloween but I’v got the
most candy. We kept walking and we went to
get some more and after that we went home and
we share our candy and then we eat some
scary food but mum made it. it was yum

the end